How would your life be different if you were willing to let go of the rules you were given, and write your own? Who would you get to be, what would you get to experience?

Stop and ask yourself

In this podcast, I’ll invite you to let go of the “good girl” script, and design a life that delights and fulfills you to your core.

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In this podcast, I’ll invite you to let go of the “good girl” script, and design a life that delights and fulfills you to your core.

How would your life be different if you were willing to let go of the rules you were given, and write your own? Who would you get to be, what would you get to experience? 

In this podcast, I’ll invite you to let go of the “good girl” script, and design a life that delights and fulfills you to your core.

Hi! I’m your host, Carrie Wren, Professional Certified Coach and recovering good girl. 

If you believe it’s time to let go of the “should’s” and “supposed to’s,” you are in the right place. Welcome to the Grown Ass Woman club.

Now, kick off those heels, pour yourself a whisky, and let’s get started.

featured EPISODE

Introducing: From Good Girl to Grown Ass Woman


Episode 2 really got me! Carrie talks about real stuff and gives impactful examples that drive the points home. Ugh now I need to think about what I really want and desire! 



 It was a great way to start my week, before allowing myself to get waylaid by all the expectations I (and others) put on me. I’m ready for more!



"This is the chat for you, whether you’re a perfect-wannabe" or a baddass-wannabe!

Sit back and let Carrie’s warm, knowing voice tell you exactly what you need to hear to get out of your own way. As a fellow recovering good girl perfectionist, “we need your imperfect work and we need it NOW” hit me right in the heart.



kind words