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 I am a Professional Certified Coach. That means I get to have the kinds of conversations about life, leadership, and relationships that you wish your best friend was trained and willing to have with you.

Interested in working with me as your coach? Let's chat.


I’ve been noticing falling back into an old pattern recently, related to people pleasing and fear of judgement. I’ve been minimizing some aspects of who I am and what I’m up to, so as to avoid potentially making other people uncomfortable.  In case you may be in the same boat, here’s a quick “symptom” assessment. […]

Your Playing Small Does Not Serve the World

life coach for women Charlotte nc

4 Reasons Hard Conversations are Worthwhile When it comes to having tough conversations, do you tend to: A) say the thing, kindly and unapologetically, and reach a mutually satisfying resolution B) bottle up my feelings until I explode like a volcano of emotions C) avoid having difficult conversations at all costs D) all of the […]

4 Reasons Hard Conversations are Worthwhile