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How to Get to Your Next Level of Success

What’s your go-to strategy for success? Whether or not you consciously realize it, there are likely methods and ways of being that work reliably well for you, that have gotten you to your current level of achievement in work, relationships, and life. 

And: The thing that got you to where you are now is NOT the same as the thing that will get you to your next level.

Does that make sense? Another way of saying that: in order to experience something different, we have to be willing to do and be something different.

For instance, what lead me to where I am now is a whole lotta hustle… busyness… saying yes to every opportunity… going hard all day, every day. I honor and celebrate my rock solid work ethic and willingness to play all out, as those methods have helped me create a life and business that I absolutely adore. 

My “next level” of success looks entirely different.

My next level involves more time with my family and partner; more time and resources for causes that are important to me; a deeper spiritual connection with God, nature, and myself; and more spaciousness and rest. The ways of being and doing that will support me in creating that next level are entirely different from the busyness and hustle that have gotten me here.

I am clear that my next level “strategy” is build on a foundation of Ease. Trust. Play. Presence. Gratitude. Flow.

Journaling prompts to discover the strategy for your next level of success:

  1. What are the methods and ways of being that have gotten you to where you are now? 
  2. What do you honor and celebrate about those ways of being?
  3. What does your “next level” look like?
  4. What are the ways of being you sense will lead you to your next level?

As always, if you’d like 1:1 support in your self-reflection and personal development, please reach out.




How to Get to Your Next Level of Success

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