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I’m Giving You Crumbs

You’re getting crumbs.

My family is getting crumbs.

My partner is getting crumbs.

Even my own well-being is getting crumbs.

You could be getting the whole cake from me, icing and all, and all you’re getting is crumbs.

It has dawned on me that I give a fraction (75%, I’m estimating) of what I’m capable of everywhere in my life, thinking that if I devote 100% everywhere, I’ll be depleted. Well, guess what? If that flawed logic were true, my 75% doled out to multiple different priorities doesn’t add up, either. In short: it’s simply not true.

My giving crumbs shows up as: typing emails while on the phone with my loved ones rather than giving them my undivided attention. Saying yes to things that are not actually in alignment with my true priorities. Not yet starting on that book I told you I was going to write. Tricking myself into not going to bed when my body is tired. Showing up late to dinner with my partner. All kinds of crumb-y/crummy stuff that has me be not fully present.

It’s not what I’m committed to.

What I am committed to is to being fully present. You, me, my clients, my loved ones, my community: we are worthy of the whole cake, icing and all.

 What you (and I and my beloveds) can count on from me going forward, in line with my commitment: tending to my well-being like it’s my job (it is). Making and keeping promises. Doing my best – and by that, I mean my actual best, not my 75% best. Hold me to it.

Your turn! Who or what in your life is getting crumbs? What is the impact? And what will you do and be for your loved ones and yourself, instead?

If you’d like some support with any of this, please let me know. I have one open spot in my Coaching practice before I close the books until July; perhaps it’s your time.




I’m Giving You Crumbs

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