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The 5 Conversations that are Ruining Your Life

A few weeks back, I was in discussion with some of my coach friends about the fact that we are all going about our lives with a few basic beliefs about ourselves running the show. How we show up in our relationships, in our careers, with our families, with ourselves… it’s all influenced by these beliefs or conversations that we’re telling ourselves. The tricky thing is, we’re not usually aware of them in our day-to-day lives. Not only that, but those conversations tend to be disempowering at best… and devastating at worst. With a little digging, I identified the following Top 5 Conversations that are Running (and Ruining) my Life. Forewarning: these are pretty brutal, and it’s possible you might see yourself in some of them.


1.       I am a disappointment.

2.       I don’t want to take up too much space.

3.       I have to be ready to fight and defend myself.

4.       Judgement and criticism of myself and others is a way of life.

5.       All that is good in my life is a house of cards, and may topple at any time.

 Ugh. I have a couple of choices: 1) I can keep letting those old, shitty stories run the show. Or 2) I can have a new conversation. I’ll take Door Number 2, please. My New & Improved Top 5 Conversations (minus the disempowering bullshit):

1.       I belong here.

2.       My thoughts, words, and actions make a difference.

3.       I choose to be the seismic combination of Power and Heart.

4.       I choose Assuredness, Faith, and Trust.

5.       I am willing to expand into all that I am capable of.


Mic drop. Let’s do THAT.

Tell me: what are the 5 conversations ruining your life? And what do you choose as your new & improved conversations? Post below, or email me, and: let’s do THAT.




The 5 Conversations that are Ruining Your Life

  1. Sheri says:

    Exactly. What I need now.

  2. Mandi says:

    Hi! Thanks for this. It really helps bring the ugly things we subconsciously tell ourselves to the surface. I have to dig deep to hear these come up, but so glad they did so I can see them vs. mentally sorting things out.

    Old Conversations:
    1. I am not good enough.
    2. No one takes me seriously.
    3. I don’t deserve to have it all.
    4. Are you sure you want to do this b/c you aren’t ready.
    5. There’s no time for you.

    New and improved Conversations:
    1. I have all I need inside. I am more than enough!
    2. I Inspire and motivate individuals to make positive changes.
    3. I have the power to manifest all hearts my desires.
    4. Honey, you are the bomb and you always show up!
    5. I choose to invest in myself now and forever to develop into the woman I’m called to be.

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