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Begin the New Year like a Boss

Happy New Year, Gorgeous!!! I hope you celebrated exactly the way you wanted to. For me this year, celebrating the new year included my softest jammies and my sweetheart. 

As we begin the New Year, let’s get super intentional with what we choose for the year ahead, in service of moving powerfully forward into what’s next. Make yourself a strong cup of French press (or a mimosa, you luscious lush), and take out your journal as you contemplate the following inquiries:

 What will I create this year?

What will I experience?

What will be my most significant contribution?

Who will I need to be, to create, experience, or contribute in this way?

What needs will I need to meet to produce my desired outcome?

What resources, supports, and partnerships will I secure to meet those needs?

What is my action plan?

What is the next step I will take to begin… and by when?

As you reflect on these inquiries, you may find that it all feels a bit too overwhelming or exciting to keep to yourself. If that’s the case, please send me an email. I’m happy to employ my ninja coaching skillz to support you. I’m so excited to hear what you’re up to in the New Year! Possibility abounds.




Begin the New Year like a Boss

  1. Darrell Hawks says:

    Cheers to abounding possibility, friend.

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